Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Dealing With Rotator Cuff Pain

The group of four muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder make up the rotator cuff.
The rotator cuff helps to stabilize the shoulder.
Sometimes, the muscles and/or tendons become damaged and rotator cuff pain occurs.
Research shows that men over the age of 40 are most like to have this happen.
When a tear occurs, sometimes a popping sound is heard or a tearing sensation in the shoulder is present.
Repetitive motion can cause rotator cuff pain.
This is usually from an overhead motion or forceful pulling motion.
Many athletes such as pitchers, quarterbacks and volleyball players have this injury happen.
This is usually due to their reaching over their head or the repeated throwing motion.
Sometimes, a tear can happen when someone falls on the shoulder area.
Rotator cuff pain symptoms are - olimited range of motion opain when lying on the affected arm or shoulder onot being able to sleep, pain at night oarm or shoulder weakness opain with dressing owhen reaching overhead or behind the back, pain occurs opain when throwing something oaching in the arm This pain will usually occur in the front of the shoulder and radiate down the side of the arm.
Rotator cuff pain comes in varying degrees.
oMild pain - can usually be relieved by resting the shoulder oModerate pain - when using the shoulder, medication is required to relieve the pain, along with rest oSevere pain - There is continuous pain and no relief Rest will usually take care of rotator cuff pain.
Immobilizing the shoulder with a sling, taking anti-flammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, steroid injections and physical therapy may also be used to relieve the pain.
Surgery may be an option when the above methods do not work.
After surgery the arm will be immobilized allowing it to heal.
Then the patient will be sent for rotator cuff therapy.

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