This article is about shoes for babies and how to pick the right size of baby shoes. This article describes a four step process, which will serve as a guideline – when parents are shopping for new baby shoes.
Your baby doesn't need baby shoes, until they begin to walk. In the meantime, you can easily do with stocking, socks and long bodysuits. When a baby does start to walk, shoes will serve as a protection to their small and very sensitive feet.
When you are going to buy shoes for babies, the "fit" is of utmost importance and the most important factor for comfort. If you purchase a baby shoe, which is too loose – your child might not get the right support for the food. If the baby shoe is too tight, the shoe will seem uncomfortable and maybe stunt growth and development or might cause blisters.
Here is a step by step plan for purchasing baby shoes!
1. Do always measure the food of the baby or child. Baby feet grow constantly and their form can change in weeks. An incorrect fit can result in discomfort, limited movement possibilities and even smaller injuries.
2. Go for wide width baby shoes, which feature a tight ankle strap. This is recommended, because of the way, that baby feet are build (wide and round). Baby shoes can be difficult to take off and put on again – so it would be much more convenient to parents, picking shoes with adjustable straps. If you bring a toddler for shoe shopping, pick a Velcro solution. This way, toddlers can easily "tie" their own shoes fast and easily.
3. Put the baby shoes on your baby and place a finger in between the back of the shoes and the heel of your child. This will show a good fit, with plenty of room to grow, so you will get most out of the baby shoes. Make another finger test also. Press down with your thumb on the front of the baby shoe to gauge the space between your child's big toe and the top of the shoe. This little trick should also reveal some free space in the shoe, to grow the feed further. Keep in mind – like adults feed, kids and baby feet will also sweat and swell throughout the day, and baby feet must also have room for breathing.
4. Make your baby walk around in the shop with both shoes on to assess fit and comfort. This will provide you and the baby with a certain degree of knowledge. Before the purchase. Don't by baby shoes or children shoes on the internet, as it is too complicated to make the right fit and finding the right level of comfort, when our children haven't walked around. These are some proven and great advice to follow, before purchasing soft shoes for babies. The best baby shoes are always purchased from a store, where children can tell, whether it is a fit or not
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