DDR-400 memory is not backward compatible. This means you cannot use this memory with motherboards not specifically designed to support DDR RAM. Other types of memory transfer data using the rising edge of the clock signal. DDR, on the other hand, performs the transfer using both edges of the clock signal allowing the rate of transmission to double.
The layout of a memory chip will not affect the chip’s performance. The chips can appear on one side or both sides of the stick. However, these layouts do not directly make a chip single or double-sided. Single-sided memory use chips in a single group at the same time. This makes single-sided ram faster. Higher-end gaming computers, for example, typically contain single-sided DDR RAM.
Double-sided RAM contains two groups of chips. These chips can appear on one side or both sides of the stick. The controller in a computer accesses each group of chips separately. This means the computer can only read or write on one chip at a time, the controller must switch back and forth between each group. As a result, double-sided memory is slower than single-sided memory.
Difference Between DDR3, DDR2
DDR RAM is the most widely used type of memory in computers. DDR memory first appeared in computers in 2002, and has advanced since this time in both performance and speed. The original DDR had a maximum transfer rate of 1600 megabytes per second. DDR 2, on the other hand has a maximum transfer rate of 8.5 gigabytes per second, and DDR 3 has a maximum transfer rate of 12.8 gigabytes per second.