Health & Medical Nutrition

Our Article On Herbs for Depression

Today with the growing population an increasing amount of people are discovering they have depression and have no idea how to deal with it.
There are such pills and techniques they have found that can help, but there are many naturalherbs for depression that are not very known.
John's Wort
When it first hit the market they could not keep it on the shelves, it was the hottest new natural thing out there.
John's Wort also commonly called Hypericum, can easily be bough at local health stores and online in most cases.
It is said that St.
John's Wortaffects the neurotransmitters the same way that a typical antidepressant drug may.
This simple herb for depression gets it's power from a small flowering yellow hedgegrow plant, called Hypericum Perforatum.
The key ingredient is hypericin, which is extracted from the leaves of the plant with the use of alcohol.
Compared to the increasing amount of the over the counter prescriptions today, St.
John's Wort is showing promise, with less side effects than such drugs as Amitriptyline.
This herb has shown great promise with mild to moderate cases of depression and is still being tested for severe depressed cases.
Now if St.
John's Wort sounds ideal to take, it is said by professionals to alert your doctor if you're are taking or plan on taking this herb.
Valerian Root Other than the popular St.
John's Wort there are other herbs for depression such as Valerian Root.
In Latin it means "to be strong or healthy", and this translation is commonly accepted because of it's strong medicinal use.
This herb can be found in dried herb/tea, liquid, and in capsule form today.
Valerian Root, unlike the other herbs for depression, does not directly treat depression, it instead treats the insomnia that sometimes accompanies depression.
Valerian Root works by raising the level of what is called Gamma-Aminobutyric (GABA), which often hits low levels when anxiety is occurring.
Though not directly used for treating depression Valerian Root is greatly used for treating the symptoms of not only depression but also of anxiety, which professionals say are interlinked.
Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo Biloba doesn't fall under the typical herbs for depression because it's not commonly used for the younger generations.
Physicians say that in the elderly,depression is caused by the lack of blood flow to the brain.
Ginkgo Biloba has been proven to increase blood flow through the whole body, not just the to the brain.
This herb is recommended for the elderly with depression because not only does it increase blood flow, it contains antioxidants, and helps fight blood clots.
You might be digesting this and not even know it now, because it is commonly added to energy drinks, but the amount within the drink is not enough to be noticed.
SAM-E Most natural herbs for depression can be purchased, but what about one that you make everyday?SAM-E (S-adenosylmenthionine) is made in the quantity of about 8 grams a day inside your liver.
It's the glutathione that comes from the SAM-E that is used throughout the body, as well as other enzymes.
How does this affect depression? Well some levels of SAM-E have shown that they influence the amount of melatonin, serotonin and dopamine that is produced.
These neurotransmitters directly affect moods, the social interaction, and sleep, which the lack of these is commonly associated with depression or anxiety.
SAM-E is not only said to aid in the cure of symptoms associated with depression, but it also assists in the fight against osteoarthritis and even helps protect the eyes from cataracts.
The amount your body makes daily is not always enough though and SAM-E can be purchased in capsules online mostly.

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