- Making square marks on the post and beam is essential.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
The framing square is used by the post and beam carpenter to mark straight lines for mortise and tenon shoulder cuts, as well as end cuts for butt and lap joints. This square comes in various forms, which include the speed square, which is small enough to be kept on the side of the carpenter in a tool pouch; the combination square, which is used to make 90- and 45-degree angle marks; and the framing square, which is 24 inches long and used for larger square marks. - Removing detailed amounts of wood is done by the chisel.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
The wood chisel is essential in all parts of post and beam framing. It is used to make precise shoulder cuts in mortise and tenon and lap joinery. The post and beam framer uses a variety of chisel sizes, such as ½ inch and 1 inch. The smaller chisel allows detailed work in tight spaces and the larger allows for removing large amounts of wood quickly. The wood chisel is kept on the carpenter's side in a tool pouch for ease of access. - The wooden mallet helps create detailed and precise work for the carpenter.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
The wooden mallet is used with the wooden chisel to carve post and beam joints. The mallet has a wooden head and handle, with the head being made from a heavier wood than the handle. The mallet is designed to impact the chisel handle with soft blows, which will allow the post or beam material to be removed in small increments. The mallet can also be kept at the wood worker's side in a tool pouch for ease of use during chiseling. - The hand saw can make fine, detailed shoulder cuts in post and beam construction.Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images
Although modern saws are mostly run by powered motors, the post and beam framer uses the hand saw to make their cuts on post and beam logs. The hand saw used by the framer has small, fine teeth on the blade, which allows for exact, detailed cuts on tenon and lap joint shoulders. This saw is 16 to 24 inches long and can be kept on a pouch hook hanging from the carpenter's tool belt.
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