Health & Medical Nutrition

What Are the Benefits of Eating Yogurt?

How important is yogurt in our diets? Well, those of us who have been to the grocery store lately have noticed that yogurt truly overpowers the dairy isle.
With so many choices, many of us end up standing in front of this product for twenty minutes in order to decide on the healthiest choice.
However, for those of us who don't incorporate yogurt into our diets, here are several reasons why this delicious snack is beneficial to our health.
First of all, yogurt is made of milk and by consuming milk we get a dose of animal protein in our diet.
A six ounce serving contains about nine grams of protein.
Other beneficial ingredients in yogurt include calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B-2, and vitamin B-12.
Something new that yogurt consumers may have noticed recently is the word "Probiotics.
" Probiotics are friendly bacteria which are naturally present in our digestive system.
What this bacterium does is it aids in boosting our immune system and promotes a healthy digestive tract.
With all of these exceptional ingredients, yogurt should be atop of any consumer's shopping list.
Another great benefit of yogurt is a healthy intestinal system.
The active cultures that are present in yogurt have been proven to help with certain gastrointestinal conditions.
Some of the conditions which a steady consumption of yogurt improved include constipation, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, colon cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Other benefits of yogurt include a decrease in vaginal infections, stronger immune system, stronger bones, and weight loss.
It has also been suggested that two to three serving of dairy per day can reduce the chances of developing high blood pressure by fifty percent.
With all of these health benefits, it is no wonder that many people chose to snack on yogurt.

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