Now that you have decided to convert your fat and irregular body shape in to a perfect contour, a figure that even miss universe will envoy, you must know all about most important person of liposuction. That person is none other than your doctor or surgeon, whatever you choose to call. A doctor is the person who is going to perform entire task.
If a good doctor can make your dream come true, a bad doctor can ruin your entire planning as well as can make your body a big blunder of liposuction. The cosmetic surgeon should be highly qualified. You should know some other factors as well. Have a look on the questions below.
1. Whether the Surgeon Holds Degree in Any Other Surgical Procedure:
The surgeon who performs liposuction mostly holds degree/s in other fields as well. These fields include gynecology, plastic surgery, ENT, dermatology, ophthalmology or facial plastic surgery. Having degree in any field increase, the chances that the surgeon is more experienced at performing operations and handling instruments.
This means that the surgeon knows how to take care of the patient. He/she will make sure that there are no or very little chances of any surgical infection.
2. Four Essential Qualifications:
Ask the surgeon if he/she has achieved all of the below mentioned top four qualifications.
1. In-depth surgical study, minimizing risks of infections
2. Advanced training to support, diagnose and treat cardiovascular complications.
3. Training and knowledge of pharmacology
4. extensive liposuction degree and training
3. Are You Specialized Liposuction Surgeon?
Not all of the plastic surgeons specialize in the field of liposuction. Liposuction is an entirely different and individual field that has its own trainings and education. You must make sure that your doctor is a liposuction specialist.
4. Different Liposuction Techniques, Which One You Choose?
There are different liposuction techniques. Today doctors are more organized and they have more stats to tally. General anesthesia is considered as a risky option as compared to local anesthesia. According to a liposuction survey, there were:
‚¬ No death reported among 65000 liposuction cases with traditionally performed liposuction under local anesthesia.
‚¬ There were 95 reported deaths out of 475,000 liposuction cases under general anesthesia. This means that there are 13 deaths per 65000 surgeries.
Talk with your doctor in detail and discuss which technique does he choose and why that technique is better than all the others are.
5. Who Will Assist the Doctor During Surgery?
Usually surgeons do not conduct surgeries all alone, no matter what the case is. You should ask your surgeon who is going to assist her during surgery. Do all of the nurses or other assistants qualify enough to deal the surgery? If you have chosen a hospital with a medical college affiliated with it, do not forget to ask for internees.
Most of the college hospitals allow their students to see surgery as a practical. Ask your surgeon do they allow their students same privilege. If you do not like such practice, openly discuss with your doctor. This is your right to choose who will be present in the operation room during surgery.
6. Experience in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS):
It is extremely necessary that you must know this fact. During liposuction, there are chances that the respiratory or cardiac system might collapse or act abnormally. There are several reasons of these abnormalities. Sometimes it is due to patient's body reacting to the anesthesia. May be there is a human mistake.
A smoker, drug addict or alcoholic might experience such conditions. Therefore, it is necessary that the doctor must have all of the required instruments and techniques handy. This is the reason why established hospitals are preferred over small clinics or office of your doctor.
Established hospitals have all of the machinery and trained staff, they can react immediately if there is an emergency. Yes, they do cost a little more, but your health stands above a few hundred dollars. Make sure that the doctor and the staff are trained in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Talk to your doctor and discuss thoroughly.
7. What is the Procedure?
Talk to your doctor and ask about detailed process. Discuss if there are any fears or myths tugging you. Remember, open talking will help you sooth any fears. It will calm your senses and will prepare you for the big day and for post surgery precautions. Your doctor is the right person to discuss these fears. He will give real and authentic knowledge. Do not rely on word of mouth or stories of this and that. Word of mouth does not provide true and factual information every time.
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