- In addition to producing white fluffy secretions that appear to grow on the plant, the citrus mealybug female produces 300 to 600 eggs that she encases in a white material on the plant's stems and the underside of the leaves. The longtailed mealybug bug does not encase eggs in a white substance but has approximately 200 live young.
- The insect damages the houseplant by attaching its sharp mouth to the plant and sucking its nutrients. Its voracious activity causes the leaves to yellow and fall from the plant. New growth often appears distorted and stunted. Mealybugs also secrete a honeydew substance that can cause the plant to grow a black, sooty fungus
- Control mealybugs by dabbing them with rubbing alcohol. Wipe the bugs away using a soft, wet cloth. Spray the plant with a shower head or other forceful water source to remove the bugs. If the infestation is severe, consider using a pesticide that contains rotenone, pyrethrin, resmethrin, azadirachtin or permethrin to gain control.
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