Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Will Buying a Red Car Make Your Auto Insurance Go Up?

So you are wondering if your auto insurance will cost more if you buy a red car.
Maybe you have always believed that red cars cost more to insure than other colors.
Many people believe this to be true.
But is that a theory or is it based on the facts? Could this common auto insurance premise actually be an urban legend? How would you define an urban legend? Notice what Wikipedia says.
It defines an urban myth as a story thought to be true by those telling it.
It goes on to say that these myths are not necessarily false, but the longer they are around the more they get distorted, embellished, or sensationalized.
In this article we will spill the beans on whether red cars are the most expensive color car to insure...
or not.
Are you ready for the truth? Insurance companies tell us that a red automobile will not cost you one penny more to insure than a midnight blue, silver or even a pink car for that matter.
What is odd though is that about 25% of the drivers interviewed in a recent study felt that a red car would definitely cost more to cover.
How about you, what did you think? The funny thing is that when shopping for an car quote, the insurance agents will not even ask you about the color of the car when they are getting your pricing together.
They really couldn't care less about the color of your car.
It has absolutely no impact on the premium costs.
Instead they want to know what type of car it is, how far you will drive to work, etc.
So where did this crazy idea come from? Well, no one knows for sure but this is probably the closest thing to the truth of the matter here.
Many times the color red is thought of as a "power" color.
It is many times connected with young, fast, and reckless drivers.
And while yes, reckless drivers car insurance rates will be more expensive than others...
it's not because the car they bought is the color of red! So if you are about to buy a car and just have always dreamed of getting a red car then rest your mind at ease about the insurance rates.
After all, why should you punish yourself with a color that you will have to settle for? Just remember...
Be careful when driving.
Respect the laws of the road like watching your speed and not following too closely.
After all, you do not want to earn any speeding tickets that will make your insurance premiums to go up.
Besides having to pay a fine you might also be contributing to the age old urban myth that red cars cost more to insure!

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