Q: Do you know of any companies that have very cheap motor insurance in the UK? If not could you refer me to a place that would? Thank you kindly.
A: Be it the UK, USA, or the surface of Mars -- everyone is out to find cheap motor car insurance.
While we do not endorse specific companies we will be happy to give you some general advice which will be sure to help you find the least expensive motor insurance you qualify for.
Get multiple quotes; too many people call two companies and go with the cheapest.
We recommend calling at least 3 and 5 is the ideal.
Make sure to purchase enough coverage to protect your assets.
Ask about any and all discounts.
See if any clubs you belong to have negotiated a group rate.
When in the UK be certain that you are covered in other European countries.
Make sure you are satisfied with the customer service you receive before buying the policy.
Have the agent put anything you don't understand in writing.
Do not accept any verbal assurances regarding your coverage.
If you are willing to put enough time into your motor car insurance search then you will find the cheapest policy with the most coverage you qualify for.
We strongly recommend that you get multiple auto insurance quotes online prior to making a decision on coverage.
One of the easiest ways to save a ton of money on car insurance is by simply taking the time to compare several quotes.
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