Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Painting Ideas for a Pre-Teen's Room

    Bright Colors

    • For a cheerful, youthful atmosphere, bright colors really do the trick. Colors like lime green, medium blue, pink, orange and dark lavender are simple to combine with other bright colors in the room. After painting, decorate with a variety of solid colors that covers the spectrum of the rainbow to capitalize on the quirky, loud quality that you see in the walls of the room.


    • A mural can range in subject matter from a cartoon illustration to a representation of your preteen's favorite activities. For example, a child who plays an instrument will enjoy a mural with a music theme featuring a wavering musical staff, treble clef and musical notes spread around the room. The best part is that you and your child can plan and paint the mural together.

    Blank Slate

    • It takes a parent with a strong stomach to allow this technique, but preteens love it. Paint one wall or all the walls of the room white, and give the teenager free reign to draw on the blank wall or walls as desired, allowing your child to truly express his thoughts and make the room a personal, intimate space. Encouraging this type of free thinking and creativity also allows your child to develop outside-the-box thinking that will last through adulthood.

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