As I've written before, why any sane man would would want to be married to more than woman at the same time is beyond me.
Aside from the fleeting allure of sexual variety, €Sister Wives€ notwithstanding, the practice of a man wedding and bedding multiple wives simultaneously strikes me as perverted, as well as extremely stressful on the male's energies and equanimity.
It's almost as antithetical to normality as homosexuals engaging in sex with €partners€ of the same gender, or marrying them, despite President Barack Hussein Obama's sudden evolution on the subject of same-sex marriage and even though political correctness now dictates that gay relationships must somehow be considered acceptable €variations€ on normality.
Having exhausted most of the Democrat talking points on President Barack Hussein Obama's agenda to discredit and marginalize Mitt Romney as being out of touch with average Americans because he and his father made a success of their lives, Obama's faithful have lately been calling Romney's Mormon religion into question.
In America, religion is supposed to be off limits in elections but liberals, who don't much respect religion to start with, don't respect any limits when those limits are at variance with their extremist philosophy.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the other 14 Mormons in Congress€"13 of whom are Republicans - are generally exempted from such criticism but none of those senators and congressmen are running for the presidency of the United States.
Not surprisingly, liberal aversion to the possibility of electing a Mormon to the presidency has been spiking.
That reality isn't surprising since libs are anything but liberal when it comes to anyone or anything seen as illiberal and Latter-Day Saints are strongly opposed to the liberal sacrosanct sacrament of abortion, to the practice of homosexuality, and to the legalization of same-sex marriages, among other cherished liberal rights.
According to an analysis conducted by American National Election Studies, almost 35% of respondents indicated that they were €less likely€ to vote for a Mormon, an increase of 9% in five years and most likely a reaction to a potential Mitt Romney candidacy.
While not a huge increase, it's significant, more so if the coming election is as close as some pundits are predicting.
Conversely, the same study also found that conservative Evangelicals are far more accepting of Mormonism than €political liberals and non-religious voters,€ which are pretty much synonymous. In fact, fewer Evangelicals, often described as close-minded, doctrinaire zealots, were 3% less concerned about a Mormon candidate in 2012 than they were in 2007.
Last week, Gallup released the results of a similar poll revealing that there has been no appreciable change in America's anti-Mormon sentiment over the past 45 years.
When Mitt Romney's late father, former Michigan Governor George Romney, launched his failed quest for the presidency in 1968, 17% of Gallup respondents indicated they wouldn't vote for him because of his religion. In 2012, 18% - down from 22% in 2011€"expressed the same prejudice.
Whether that irrational, ingrained bias will prevail on November 6th over the thought of four more years under the rule of a far leftist dedicated to subverting all that Americans value has yet to be determined.
However, back to that polygamy thing.
Mormons haven't legally engaged in polygamous marriage since 1890. A few offshoot polygamist sects still advocate for men marrying any number of women while prohibiting marital unions of a woman and a multiplicity of males, clear testimony to the hypocrisy - and horniness - of perverts like Warren Jeffs.
As a Roman Catholic, I concede I'm not conversant with all the nuances of Mormon Christianity. What I do know is that voting against Mitt Romney and for Barack Obama would be a fruitless exercise in mindless prejudice.
Politics is an ugly business. National suicide is far worse. made those issues vividly clear in its recent story headlined, €Romney Is A Mormon. Get Over It.€
Those are words to live by.
(See all sources at
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