It can be very difficult to allow anyone you don't know well into your house to watch your children, especially since you have spent significant time building a home security system that will keep strangers out.
However, there are times when you and your spouse want to go out and have a good time without the kids and you have to leave them in someone else's hands.
Here is a checklist of security concerns you should cover with anyone watching your kids.
Provide your babysitter with contact information for you that can be used while you are out.
Tell her exactly where you will be and when.
Tell your babysitter when you will be home and stick to that timeframe.
If you are going to be late, call her and let her know.
Teach her how to operate the home security system.
She should know how to turn it on and off, how to use the panic button and what to do if she accidentally sets it off.
Provide your babysitter with contact information for a neighbor or relative that lives close by.
If she can't reach you for any reason, she should be able to call this number.
Clearly post telephone numbers for your child's physician, poison control, the hospital and the police department.
Although the security system should contact the police, fire department and ambulance for you, it is still beneficial to have these numbers close by.
Walk through the house with the babysitter.
Make sure she knows where the fire extinguisher and First Aid kit are.
She should also know if there are any rooms that are off limits.
If your kids have allergies or medical problems, let your babysitter know what they are and make sure she knows what to do to take care of any issues associated with them.
Instruct your babysitter to never open a door to anyone and to never tell anyone that you are not at home.
Write down what you expect the babysitter to do in terms of cleaning up, putting the kids to bed, playing outside, using the Internet and watching television.
Talk to the babysitter about your fire escape plan, and even practice it with the kids if possible.
By going over these steps, you can enjoy your night knowing that your babysitter is familiar with your home security plan.
Moreover, you can be sure that your kids are in good hands.
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