Generally, you need to look for sudden changes in behavior. These sudden changes will indicate that the subject is switching from telling the truth to lying, or vice versa. The majority of compulsive liars will still change their behavior between the truth and lying states. However, there are the rare cases where it's extremely hard to detect, but usually it's obvious enough to notice if you're on the lookout.
Here are the top changes that you need to look for in the subject's behavior.
- Listen for pitch changes in their voice. Higher pitched speaking generally indicates that the person is lying. However, in some cases, the subject will talk slower and deeper. In any case, it usually isn't a normal conversational tone, so just look for any abrupt changes in the pitch of their voice.
- Watch their eyes. If the liar is rarely making eye contact with you, or avoiding all eye contact completely, then that can be another great indicator of lying. Again, the complete opposite can also indicate lying. In other words, if the person is staring excessively into your eyes, then they may be lying. Regardless, it usually isn't normal behavior, so be on the lookout and you should be able to spot it.
- Look at hand gestures and other body movements. Watch for excessive body movements in the subject, such as elaborate hand gestures that they normally wouldn't use. It's almost like a salesman type of move, like they are trying to get you to 'buy' their lie. Once again, look for the opposite behavior too, where the person will be standing very still and nearly motionless.
Those are the top 3 ways to pick out a liar. The key is to look for behavior that is not normally seen. People have to think about lying, even if they do it a lot. That thinking creates stress, and the stress results in a complete behavioral change. Take advantage of these facts and help get your relationships back on a truthful track.
But please remember this; do not accuse someone of lying based only on your observations. Always ask them in a polite manner, and they might be open to confessing to you. Be understanding, and offer to help them because they might feel that lying is the only solution to their problems, even though it isn't. That will easily heal any relationship trust issues.
To gain an even deeper knowledge of detecting the signs of lying, please Click Here for a Complete Guide []. You will learn how criminal investigators detect lying, and none of the methods require the use of a telegraph or other machinery. It is simply based on observation and taking predetermined actions.