Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

A Tribute to Troublemakers

Now whilst you may think this a strange subject it is meant in a way that may not be so obvious.
Troublemakers whether online or offline are important so far as they give us the opportunity to see how we constantly react to each other.
To grow into a really self actualized person we need to develop a harmony with others, howsoever they are.
Now living with another person's "unpleasant manifestations," is not easy as anyone in a full relationship will tell you; of course if the relationship is one of a sadist and a masochist then everyone is happy, but that's another story.
Outside the house it is too easy to react, quickly judge and walk away.
What we must understand is that NOT everyone can be a troublemaker; this is important in life like yeast for making bread.
Without trouble and conflict life becomes dead.
You know the expression, "all I want is a peaceful life? Well although the idea is tempting the fact is that this attitude is death to our personal growth.
Generally speaking, people live by habit, automatically and without any consciousness so to speak; without conflict we will lose consciousness and will all fall asleep.
It is thought by many that to learn we must talk all the time and exchange words with each other and read blogs and books that is, trying to learn through words.
However this reading and talking is only using the formulary centre.
Next time someone online irritates you, or someone offline offends you THANK THEM for being your master for the day; no-one else comes even that close to being your teacher.
How did their comment affect you? Why were you offended? Perhaps they are living a beautiful life and you just don't believe it is possible, so you become cynical, sharp and wounding.
There are a few people online with whom I would disagree on many points but without them life would be poorer and I for one would not like to see them gone.
They add a richness to life which would otherwise be a place perhaps too driven by everyone's "success agendas.
" Sam

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