Yellow Light of Death (YLOD) is a condition where your PS3 console stops working and instead a small yellow light starts flashing which is indicative that your console has got a problem.
The YLOD was a problem very rife with the old versions of the PS3 console. As part of the measures to fix this and other problems associated with the old PlayStation3 console, Sony released some new versions of the PS3 slim consoles which were designed to be smaller, more energy efficient with a better internal cooling system. However within weeks of the console being release it appears that the Yellow Light of Death is still an issue.
There are several reasons why one might experience this failure for example, a hard drive failure, an overheated power supply unit could be possibly causes but one of the most common reasons for the YLOD problem is an overheating of the central processing unit.
So what are some of the things you can possibly do to prevent this problem from occurring?
1. Ensure that your PS3 console has plenty of ventilation
2. When you heat up your room also ensure that the room temperature is not too high. This
can cause your fans to run at ultra speed and quickly wear out.
3. Turning the console off when not in use instead of living it in the stand-by mode can help
preserve its life.
4. Some people have suggested opening the console and adding cooling paste to the processor but you must bear in mind that going down this route can void your warranty.
If your console is still under warranty and you experience the Yellow Light of Death problem you can take advantage of the cover to get your console replaced or repaired.
The PS3 Slim is still being affected by the Yellow Light of Death therefore you might want to take regular backup of your ps3 system from time to time.
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