Health & Medical Nutrition

GMO Detection - How A Simple Label Can Keep Your Family Safe

With many GMO products flooding the market today, consumers feel as if they are left without any choice in terms of the products they buy.
They are made to feel that they are left without any alternatives.
However, what many of them are not aware of is that with small farms beginning to fight back, there are many organic choices made available in the market as well.
GMO detection, unfortunately, is hard to come by as there is no way for consumers to find out as to whether or not the products that they plan on buying are made from GMOs or not.
Millions Are Against Monsanto - What About The FDA? In 1993, consumers protested against the approval of the synthetic hormone rBGH by the FDA.
Despite reports of concealed experimental results by Monsanto and studies showing the unreliability of the hormone, the FDA continuously approves the use of this hormone up to this very day.
Michael Taylor, a former lawyer for Monsanto, served as executive assistant to the commissioner of the FDA.
During this time, the FDA gave full reign to Mr.
Taylor giving him final say as to whether rBGH milk should be labeled or not.
As of present, Mr.
Taylor still serves as a senior adviser to the FDA.
Many continue to protest against the aggressive moves by Monsanto as it continues to push GMO technology in agriculture.
Yet, despite continuous protests and researches showing the negative effects of genetic engineering, the FDA continues to turn a blind eye to many pertinent issues regarding genetic engineering.
In fact, Monsanto has gone to the point of undergoing legal battles against small farms and dairies such as Oakhurst dairy in order to prevent product labeling for the sake of keeping consumers informed about the products they consume.
Their GMO Policy - Can You Stomach It? In late 2010, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released their latest GMO policy allowing for the planting of genetically engineered alfalfa seeds in areas regardless of geography.
Previous GMO policies restricted the planting of GE crops in certain areas.
This poses as a setback for farmers who are not in favor of GE crops as random planting of these crops may allow for cross-contamination between traditional and GE crops.
Food labelling is continuously refused by the FDA as lobbyists from Monsanto, along with the presence of Michael Taylor, allow for this policy to continue.
In fact, Wikileaks has revealed that the US is ready to retaliate against France for its refusal to import gm corn products from the US.
This brings us to the question as to whether or not these government agencies are indeed for the protection of the regular consumer.
Simple labeling of foods, as in the case of rBGH milk, means a lot of consumer as this enables them to make informed choices with regards to their purchases.
Many researches are beginning to show the health hazards associated with ge foods and many individuals are slowly becoming aware of such.
The least that government can do to provide protection for the consumer is to allow food labeling in order for the ordinary consumer to avoid that which he perceives to be dangerous to him and his loved ones.

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