A great way to improve your golf game is to practice your techniques by doing the slow motion golf swing.
Although this may seem a strange way to improve your game, you will find that doing a slow motion swing will allow you to take note of the full process of the golf swing movements that you use in your games.
By knowing this kind of information, you will discover the best ways that you can improve your swing by adjusting angle, placement, and grip.
Think of the swing as a form of exercise and practice similar to the slow, but accurate, tai chi movements that can improve martial arts skills.
By repeating your slow motion swing in front of a mirror with your golf club, you will be able to see the mistakes in posture, the errors in your backswing, and even the lacking impact of your follow through.
Some stages of the slow motion golf swing positions that you practice, which you should take special attention to, are: the takeaway position to half way back; the way the wrist is cocked to set the angle of your swing; the peak of your back swing; the beginning of your downswing; the point of the swing when your club makes contact with the ball; and finally, the follow through position after you hit the ball.
By taking note of these key stages, you can adjust different details of your swing to improve form by repeating and correcting your golf swing.
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