Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Claiming For Whiplash Injuries

One of the most common accidents in the UK is where people experience a whiplash injury.
Whiplash occurs when the muscles in the neck suffer hyperextension, usually after a sudden movement or impact.
Hyperextension can occur if you are jolted forwards and then suddenly backwards, often as a result of a rear end collision between two vehicles.
If this happens as the result of being in a car accident then it is worth considering pursuing a no win no fee personal injury claim, as these injuries can mean taking time off work and losing out financially.
A road accident claim could often be because of an incident through being in a car and suffering a whiplash injury.
One of the most common types of accident injury claim is whiplash, which accounts for 1,200 claims every day in the UK.
Although a seat belt can protect you in a road collision, it does not support your neck, so any sudden impact could result in a whiplash injury.
As whiplash can occur in around 20% of road accidents, a no win no fee accident claim for this kind of injury is a common type of work for solicitors involved with road accident compensation.
Whiplash injuries are most likely to happen if your car has been hit from behind.
This can happen even if the collision is between two very slow moving vehicles, as the injury is more a consequence of the distance between your head and the headrest of the car seat.
Research shows that the closer you are to the headrest, the less severe the whiplash could be.
It's important to remember that a whiplash injury can still count as an accident if the road collision was not in bad weather conditions, or wasn't the result of excessive speeds or dangerous driving.
Many people who make an accident injury claim from whiplash can recover quickly, while for others it can take a longer period of time.
Whatever the circumstances of a whiplash injury from a road collision, it is important to consider taking action through a no win no fee accident claim.
There are a range of specially trained legal teams that can help you to get the compensation you might need for taking time off work and a variety of associated costs.
The process is made easy by having a solicitor who will take up your case on a 'no win, no fee' basis that means if you do not receive any compensation you will not need to pay any fees.
A personal injury lawyer will be able to give you all the right advice on what qualifies as a legitimate claim for a whiplash injury.
Following an initial consultation with the injury lawyer, you could be assessed medically and a schedule of losses would be prepared to work out the compensation amount to be claimed.
If the other party accepts the claim then you will be paid all costs including compensation, but if it is disputed it will go to court.
Regardless of whether you win or lose the case for compensation, a no win no fee legal team will mean you are financially protected.

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