Sometimes slick surfaces in an establishment do not cause people to fall. The natural instincts of any individual is to prevent personal bodily harm by putting the hands out to break the fall or taking alternative actions to prevent the actual impact. One such action is to twist or plant the feet while using the upper body to reestablish balance. These movements can actually be the cause of certain debilitating knee injuries.
Most people associate knee injuries with athletes who train aggressively and constantly place very strenuous demands on their bodies. In reality, however, physical injuries can arise from a number of sharp and sudden movements, such as those that are made when attempting to break or prevent a fall. This is especially true when it comes to the knees, which are very complex mechanisms and can be easily damaged by the wrong type of force or excessive strain.
A knee ligament injury is normally preceded by a loud popping sound. People will usually experience an immediate an unbearable measure of pain. The affected area can become swollen and difficult to bend or otherwise move. Anti-inflammatory medicines can relieve some of this discomfort, but the body will naturally store additional water in the affected area as a way of protecting itself until the problem has healed.
When attempting to put weight on the affected leg, people will discover that it this is either too painful or simply impossible. The knee joints will also feel loose. In some instances, many of these things can be resolved through the application of a firm leg brace and plenty of rest. If not professionally treated, however, knee ligament injuries can cause problems in the months and years that lie ahead.
It is important to note that knee ligament injuries have actually ended the careers of many sports figures. Thus, suffering one of your own, whether you are an athlete or not, is a major event. Not only should you seek medical attention from your normal medical provider, but you should also visit with a chiropractor to learn more about how this development has affected other areas of the body, particularly the spine.
It is additionally vital to speak with a reputable personal injury attorney when a slick floor has caused you to injure your knee ligaments. These professionals can assess the details of your accident and let you know whether or not you have a strong case. With good representation, you could receive compensation for your medical bills and lost wages among other things.
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