Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Using Feedback As a Proactive Chiropractic Marketing Tool

People will tell you that customer service is declining in our world; I would agree it's easy to find many areas where improvements need to be made.
What is really perplexing is the number of places a person is asked to leave feedback.
I mean if there is so much feedback available; shouldn't one expect to see better products and services.
Yet how does feedback really help a consumer and how can a chiropractor use feedback as a marketing tool to grow their practice? The option to leave feedback is provided not only for people to voice their pleasure with a service or a product, but it allows them a place to voice their displeasure too in the form of negative feedback.
This serves a purpose for the business too.
If used in the correct way, this feedback can help the business owner see what products/services need to be improved and often times if the feedback is posted for the public to see, then the feedback now becomes a report card.
Now persons can know if they are dealing with a reputable business or if the products/services sold are going to be worth their time and money.
Feedback when used properly is a great marketing tool when you consider how a business's feedback now becomes a meter for ranking.
This has been seen for years in the service industry with the ranking of stars.
Five star restaurants, hotels, spas; even movies and theater got in on the action with the "thumbs up" ranking.
Now anyone can rate a website, a YouTube video with a vote or thumbs up or down; and Facebook is the social media leader in the term "like".
Ever wonder what rating your chiropractic office has? Feedback is just an opinion...
Is feedback just an opinion of a person's experience? Aren't opinions like emotions; sifting and changing continually? Should anyone really consider not trying a place/product or service if there is negative feedback? All good things to consider; Yes feedback is an opinion of a person's experience; but if a person receives a faulty product that is not an opinion, it's a fact.
Opinions can be based on emotions and feelings; for example if a person orders food and there is a hair or bug in it; there is emotion connected, but it's still a reason to give negative feedback with cause.
Of course a person should consider and base decisions on the feedback if it contains some negative; if you were going out for dinner and a movie, wouldn't you want to have the confidence of knowing you were going to have a beautiful and comfortable atmosphere to sit and dine in, good food, great service; and a movie that had positive reviews? I'm not talking about the reviews of critics, but what you hear from others.
Critics are paid to critique; all other people pay for a ticket; watch and then form an opinion.
Those are the reviews and feedback I care about.
What is being said about your practice? With all of this feedback, rating, ranking and liking going on why shouldn't chiropractors use this as an effective chiropractic marketing tool for their practice? They should and many already do.
The most visible venue for feedback that a patient can find before setting foot into a chiropractic office is online.
By typing into the Google search area the keywords "reviews for chiropractors" or "ratings for chiropractors"; you will find a plethora of online sites for chiropractic reviews.
Once in a site; many times you can filter the search by state and city.
Google maps offers an area of review and what is evident is that many people are taking the time to use this for feedback.
There is a rating system in place as well as an area for a review.
The BBB continues to be a source for those who want to know if there is any negative feedback against a business and this would include a chiropractic office.
Chiropractors should take notice of these sources available to the public and use them to their advantage.
Chiropractic marketing goes beyond advertising and getting your practice noticed within a community; there is a little bit of grunt work involved.
Knowing what prospective patients can find out about you before they call for an appointment; should be taken into consideration and used to its fullest extent.
Take the time to look at your practice listings on Google and other listing services, see if someone has left feedback and now that you know; use the information to make changes if needed.
It is unfortunate that people won't always tell you to your face if they are unhappy with a service or a product.
However feedback, even if it is negative; is one way to improve, make some changes.
This is considered proactive chiropractic marketing.

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