As a student, what you always need to do for succeeding in life is study well and take your education seriously. You have to make sure that you carry out all your education activities properly so that you can learn more and more. And homework is one such activity that is extremely important and always helps you in learning more and becoming more successful. Thus, you need to always make sure that you do your homework well and sincerely because it is only you who can help yourselves in achieving the highest levels of success. But often the burden of homework lets you down and you feel dejected when you do homework. The level of hard work required and the tension it creates become a serious problem and then you start disliking homework. You start fighting with homework and you make it more of a struggle than anything else.
But that is the main mistake you are making and you need to do exactly the opposite. You need to make sure you make homework a joyful activity and not a battle ground. You don't have to fight with homework and you don't have to get stressed for completing it. Homework is something that you do for learning more and hence you don't have to take it as a war that you fighting on battle ground. Homework is not given to test how hardly you can fight or how much you can struggle or work hard to accomplish your goals. But in fact it is something that should be done with love and complete dedication because it is only your dedication that would help you accomplish your objectives. Consider homework to be a necessity of life so that you love it like anything else and so that you can do it seriously.
For making homework more joyful, what you need to do is first remove all the medical hindrances and negative thoughts related to homework. No matter what people tell you about homework, you have to make sure that you know what you are doing is for you and you are going to do everything you can for accomplishing the same. Once you have mentally prepared yourself, you have won half the battle already. You are all set for the challenge and then you know you are going to do your homework well. You can then work accordingly and do all the hard work required for completing homework efficiently. You can take help from your parents or teachers but you will still be happy about what you are doing. No matter what you do, be happy about what you are doing because happiness is the key to your success.