- 1). Determine your speech topic. Once you know what you are speaking about, determine whether or not you will be using a visual aid. Only use a visual aid if it relates to your topic and will enhance your speech.
- 2). Prepare your speech with the visual aid. When practicing your speech, be sure to work with the visual aid. Practicing how you are going to use it is essential.
- 3). Don't let your visual aid run your speech. A visual aid should be viewed as an enhancement, not as an essential. You should be well enough prepared that you can speak to the audience without looking at the aid excessively. If you look to much at your visual aid, the audience will focus on it to rather than what you are saying. Also, be sure that the aid is not a distraction for the audience. Having the audience pass around an item can be useful if it does not require too much focus, but if the item warrants a lot of attention it can distract your audience.
- 4). Know what you are talking about and how it connects to your visual aid. If you have doubts, it will be clear to the audience.
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