Health & Medical Nutrition

Eating the Right Way

Food is fuel and we need fuel to function.
Most of us think that we know enough about the food we're eating but that is not true.
It does matter what you eat when it comes to maintaining yourself healthy.
There are quite a few rules that need to be followed in order to avoid diseases that are starting to become so common.
Why are diseases becoming common? It's simple - because we have wrong eating habits and we don't listen to those who tell us what to eat.
Starting up:
Burn at least the same amount of calories that you eat.
Don't take in more calories than you know you can burn up every day.
This "rule" should be the foundation of what is called healthy eating.
Choose the right products
Nutritious Foods: You have to eat a very wide variety of nutritious foods in order to provide all the nutrient that your body needs.
If you have a habit that sounds the same for most of the days of your life (eating the same food for breakfast for example) then you need to stop doing that and start.
You can find thousands of "fun to try recipes", even complete schedules for an entire month.
There are a lot of interesting recipe blogs you can read to maintain yourself healthy Learn What To Buy: Always check the packaging of the food you're buying and try to stick to natural products if possible Fruits and Vegetables: This one is simple.
EAT AS MANY AS YOU CAN! It is really important for us t eat many fruits and vegetables.
I'm not the first one to say it and I'm sure I will not be the last one either.
Note that some diseases don't allow us to eat certain fruits but eat whatever you're allowed to eat and it will have a positive effect on your health.
Keeping it Healthy:

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