Travel & Places Europe (Continental)

Find Amsterdam Accommodations with a Hospitality Network

I was initiated into the world of online hospitality networks back in 2006, as I scoured the web for Dublin City accommodations. It seemed like too much of a party destination to find any peace and quiet at a hostel, but I didn't want to shell out for a lonely hotel at a time when I was under-employed. "Locals who host travelers for free", I typed wistfully into my search bar - and, by the end of the week, had "surfed" my first couch, as one network puts it (see below).

What Does a Hospitality Network Do?
Online hospitality networks are services that connect travelers with locals who volunteer to host them at no fee. It does, however, require a certain faith in humanity: both on the part of the hosts - that visitors will treat them and their property respectfully - and on that of the travelers, who essentially put their travel plans, and themselves, at the mercy of others. But millions have cottoned on to the beauty of hospitality networks, not just to save on hotel fees but, more powerfully, for a unique cultural immersion experience and friendships that last well after the trip has ended. Some of my closest friendships have been made either directly or indirectly in this manner - a claim that's rarely made of conventional accommodations, but one that's barely unique in the world of hospitality networks, whose members are united by a passion for travel, a spirit of adventure, and faith in the kindness and decency of others.

How Do I Participate?
How do hospitality networks work?

This depends in part on which network you opt for, but all of the sites share some fundamental similarities. Three of the most popular hospitality networks are Couchsurfing (CS), the Hospitality Club and GlobalFreeloaders, all of which are free to join. New members fill out a profile with a self-description that includes their interests, travel experiences and other basic facts. Users can indicate whether or not they are available to host, as well as any special requests or restrictions (for example, non-smokers only; no requests less than 48 hours in advance; etc.). As members host, visit, or meet up with others in the network, they leave each other testimonials - a crucial security feature that lets users publicly vouch for each other.

But I Can't Host Anyone/Won't Travel Anywhere in the Near Future ...
These are the most frequently-cited reasons I hear as to why otherwise sociable, enthusiastic travelers haven't joined a hospitality network. Neither CS nor Hospitality Club require members to host travelers (GlobalFreeloaders, on the other hand, requires that new users be able to host within their first six months of membership). Not everyone is in a position to host travelers; alternatively, users can volunteer to meet for drinks, show visitors around, or none of the above - the choice is up to the individual user. (Granted, except in periods of unavailability, it's assumed that users actually want to participate and socialize with other members in some capacity - it is, after all, a network.) CS in particular has numerous local chapters that often host activities and events, which on their own are fun to participate in. Alone in an unfamiliar city? If there's a local CS meet-up on the horizon, you'll be bound to tap into a friendly, mixed community of travelers and locals.

Which Network Is for Me?
With more than three million members, CS is the most popular, feature-rich hospitality network; Hospitality Club, the oldest, has a loyal membership that often prefers its smaller, more intimate network. GlobalFreeloaders, founded shortly after Hospitality Club, remains the smallest of the three - and keep in mind their requirement to host within six months' time. Each has a substantial membership base in Amsterdam and other major Dutch cities. Reader who are already members of a hospitality network can chime in on which is their network of choice at the About Guide to Student Travel.

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