In 1951 Dr Ernst Hartmann 'discovered' the global earth grid which later was named after him.
This grid or net was discovered to have a north-south orientation with spacings about 2.
5 metres between the lines.
The east-west lines were found to be narrower, and were spaced 2 metres apart.
Of course, if wrapped around a globe the distance between the lines would vary from wider at the equator to much narrower at the poles.
No-one has really come up with a good reason as to why they are there, or if, in fact, they actually exist.
Dr Hartmann said that they were magnetic and, as such, interfered with the body's normal functioning.
In fact, he said that he never found a cancer case which wasn't related to the grid.
The grid, however, is not always so obvious.
For example, some dowsers have been saying that it is fading and losing its strength.
If that is so, then the question to ask is 'why?'.
The grid has been associated with both the earth and with the cosmos.
The reason for the former association is because the grid was found to be distorted after an earthquake for up to half an hour, before re-forming.
The cosmic connection is because some assert that there is a correlation between the grid and the Van Allen belts of high intensity particle radiation high above the earth.
If either (or both) is true, then the energetic changes happening in the earth, some associated with 2012, then that might account for the change in strength of the grid.
On a personal note, I can truly say that I have rarely found the grid when I look for it, but that just might be more cultural than anything else.
The reason for that is the different views of energy within the earth found by different cultures.
Consider the Hartmann grid with its great regularity.
It is very rigid in the way it is depicted.
But, against this, consider the Chinese version of energy lines within the earth.
Their version is far more sinuous and flowing, and altogether less rigid in conception.
Could it be possible that people from each culture can find only what that culture pre-disposes them to find? Germans have a reputation for orderliness and regularity, which is reflected in both the Hartmann net and the 'sister' discovery, the Curry grid (found by a Swiss!).
The Chinese have a different set of cultural characteristics which is reflected in the energy lines they perceive as being in the earth.
Many people today swear by the Hartmann and Curry grids and use them extensively in their therapies.
However, it is possible that they don't even exist anymore and that people find them because they expect to.
They have been written about, discussed and used to explain a wide variety of problems, but all that might simply be adding to the cultural 'weight' so that they exist as real things in peoples' minds but not anywhere else.
Of course, this is not to say that there are not energies within the earth which can and do have a significant effects on people.
It is just that we must be careful when we talk about them!
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