Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Causes and Treatments of Eye Twitching

Many people may have an experience of a twitch or spasm in the upper or lower eyelid.
This annoying condition has two different types: blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.
Occurring in both eyes, the former type is more serious that it can indicate a more severe problem.
And hemifacial spasm always affects only one eye and thus is less serious.
This article covers a wide range of information about eye twitching, including causes, treatments, cures and remedies.
Eye twitching is closely linked with one's lifestyle.
Until now, researches have not yet found one or two universal reasons of eye twitches.
Potential causes of eye twitching include lack of sleep, stress, fatigue, screens, vitamin deficiency, eye strain, allergies, compresses nerve, medication, withdrawal, neurological disorder and so forth.
In order to search out a specific reason, patients have to check these listed factors one by one.
It is always true that different causes require different cures.
For example, if the eye twitching is caused by inadequate sleep, it is helpful to start exercising, take 5-HTP or anything to get a full night of rest.
Stress-caused eye twitches require patients to find a hobby, start mediating or anything to lessen the stress levels.
When it comes to fatigue, it is necessary to take a break from the thing that causes fatigue.
People should not stare on a computer screen or TV screen for a long time.
They are highly encouraged to take a 1-2 minute break every 15 minutes.
A HEPA filter or allergy medication can be used to eliminate symptoms of eye twitching caused by allergies.
When eye twitching is caused by some medications being taken, patients should stop them immediately and consult their doctor about details.
Neurological disorder requires patients to see a doctor to receive comprehensive tests.
Eye twitches can be quite bothersome and even affect appearance.
It is necessary to find out its real cause, which can lead to appropriate treatment.

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