- The main eligibility criteria for SNAP is your income. Your household income must be at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty level. As of 2010, that means for a family of four, you must bring in no more than $2,389 of gross income each month. For a single person, the limit is $1,174.
- In addition to your income, you must also qualify under asset limits. This mean you can own no more than $2,000 worth of material goods. You can exempt your home, your retirement savings, any vehicles you use to get to work and any other benefit income that you have.
- For households with a member of age 60 or older, or with a disabled member, the eligibility guidelines are somewhat relaxed. These households can have countable assets of up to $3,000. They can also have a slightly higher income. For a family of four with an elderly or disabled member, the limit is $3,032 per month.
- To be eligible to receive food stamps for more than three months in Arkansas, most applicants must be either working or participating in a workfare or training program. If you have dependent children who require your care or if you're in full-time school, you may be exempted from the employment requirements.
- If you are on certain other benefits administered through the state of Arkansas, you are also automatically eligible for food stamps without a further means test. For example, if you receive any benefits or services from the Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) program, then your household is considered eligible for food stamps.