Parkinson's is not a fatal disease, but it can have an increasingly devastating effect on a person's life, or on the people that take care of the patient.
Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is considered the bad type of cholesterol. There are a few key points you need to know about LDL cholesterol to understand why it is considered bad.
A pacemaker is used to monitor and control a person's heartbeat. This electronic device is implanted into the chest and is connected to the heart with electrical wires. Pacemakers prompt the heart to beat at a healthy rate and rhythm.
It is estimated that 98 million Americans have too much of a sticky, wax-like substance running through their bodies. This silent killer known as cholesterol is naturally produced in the human liver but oversubsidized by some of the unhealthy foods that we eat. In terms of cholesterol, you really ca
This echocardiographic study examined which anatomical and geometrical features of the mitral valve might influence the severity of mitral regurgitation in patients with mitral valve prolapse.
Triglycerides, along with cholesterol, make up blood plasma in the body. They are the chemical form of how fat exists. When levels get elevated, this can lead to a debilitating disease called hypertriglyceridemia, which is responsible for coronary artery disease. To put this tongue twisting word int
An important part of every healthy diet is balance. Part of the balancing process involves limiting your intake of cholesterol. There are many good foods that can help you lower cholesterol and maintain a balance between the "good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol.
Clogged arteries are the number one cause of heart disease in the United States. The foods you eat can cause your arteries to become clogged with plaque, a dreadful mix of cholesterol, calcium, fat, cellular waste products and fibrin, which aids in blood clotting.
Nonpharmacological treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF), including AF ablation, has recently evolved as an attractive, efficacious and potentially 'curative' therapeutic modality in selected patients.
Varicose veins look like swollen blue or dark purple veins, usually appearing on the legs and feet. For most people, they are only a cosmetic problem. If a varicose vein bursts, it can result in painful bruising and swelling.
A common misconception about cholesterol is that it is desirable not to have any. Actually, having some cholesterol is necessary for the proper functioning of your body. It is also used in some of your body's hormones. However, a diet high in fat and a lifestyle low in exercise can lead to high chol