Business & Finance mortgage

Best Mortgage Leads In The Market

Cambridge Marketing one of the leading marketing firms in the market of lead generation. We are specialized in generating, collecting and marketing leads from all over the internet. Cambridge Marketing operates a network of web sites that attract millions of customers every year. We manage numerous web sites that contain a lot of information about debt settlement, mortgage and loan modification.

Cambridge Marketing is one of the leading corporations in that field and they generate thousands of new leads every month. Cambridge Marketing is offering these leads on exclusive, semi exclusive and on aged leads basis. If you are interested in getting new and exclusive leads just within seconds from the time they are generated then we are able to provide you with these leads on daily basis. You can get these leads in one batch every morning or you can get them in real time once they are generated.

On the other hand, if you are running a call center or you want to train your new agents on dealing with debt settlement, loan modification or mortgage leads then your best solution is the aged leads. These leads are older than exclusive leads and we stock a huge variety of them in our database. We are able to supply you with various kinds of aged leads like aged mortgage leads, aged debt settlement leads and aged loan modification leads.

As you can see we cover several categories and we supply quality leads that can close Loans on high percentage of them. Best of all these leads are offered for very cost effective prices that you can afford easily especially if you are looking to buy bulk number of leads.

Aged mortgage leads and aged debt settlement leads are not sold frequently in order to keep the quality of these leads to its maximum. We know that a client that had been called several times will refuse to hear another offer from a new agent.

Telemarketing campaigns depend mainly on aged mortgage leads and other types of aged leads because they are supplied in affordable prices and in bulk numbers. Some campaigns are targeting specific category of aged mortgage leads and Cambridge Marketing is able to supply aged leads according to the clients own criteria. This means that you will be always talking to leads who are already interested in your offers, leading into more loans to close.
Every lead supplied to you will have at least 18-25 fields of information so; you will be able to know full nformation about these aged leads before you tend to call them. Call Cambridge Marketing and specify the criteria and the number of aged mortgage leads, aged debt settlement leads or even aged loan modification leads and we will supply them to you within minutes from your order.

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