Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Job Assessment Tests - Helpful Tools for Hiring or Promoting Your Next Employees

Job assessment tests are important tools in evaluating and selecting the right candidates for a position.
Whether you are hiring for a brand new opening or seeking to promote current staff into new positions, these products can be valuable tools in your overall evaluation of applicants.
You may also want to periodically use these tools to analyze current employee skills and competencies in order to identify areas for growth and improvement.
Many companies provide standard products that may fit your needs.
Industries/Businesses You may have a business that specializes in a particular industry, but you probably have a staff that requires different skill levels.
Even if you own a plumbing business, more than likely you have an office assistant or receptionist, an accountant, as well as staff to actually perform the services to customers.
Look for job assessment tests that will evaluate people for the skills required to run your business effectively.
Some examples include: - General Business - This field will include products for positions like a receptionist, administrative assistant, office manager, sales assistant and more.
- Computer Related - You may use these products if you have openings for IT professionals, developers, or computer engineers.
- Mechanical / Engineering - These evaluations are appropriate for positions such as small engine or tool repair technicians, engineering related positions, or welding and manufacturing technicians.
- Construction - Quizzes may be designed for plumbers, general construction workers, masonry workers, carpenters, and cabinetmakers.
- Heating & Air - Different products may be used to evaluate skills for installing or maintaining HVAC systems.
- Transportation - Appropriate for positions such as automotive technician, collision, or small engine repair employees.
- Maintenance - Products may include questions for industrial maintenance professionals of varying levels.
Level - Entry- level evaluations can help your company determine if applicants have the basic skills needed to perform the job.
These products will contain the basic concepts for various entry- level positions within an industry.
Someone interested in an administrative assistant position, for example, may be quizzed on correct filing processes or basic administrative procedures.
- Quizzes for the more experienced worker may be used when you are evaluating for positions that require more than entry- level skills.
A senior customer service representative or an executive- level assistant may require more specific questions about advanced concepts.
- Advanced products are for when you want to evaluate more specific skill sets.
These are used typically when hiring for a very specialized type of position such as machine repair technician or an industrial mechanic.
Services - Format: Some companies can offer a variety of formats for your job assessment tests, such as traditional paper, online access, customizations for the company, and even products for specialized needs such as text- to- speech.
Think about the best way for your workers and applicants to take the assessment.
- Storage: Ask how the test results will be captured and provided to you.
Many companies will provide a way for you to access results yourself without relying on a report being sent to you.
- Consultation: Many businesses will help you identify how and when you should provide job assessment tests.
They may also provide assistance with evaluating results and defining appropriate job descriptions based on the skill set you desire.
When you are hiring or hoping to promote employees, consider utilizing job assessment tests for a consistent means of evaluating candidates based on the skill set you deem important.
As one tool in your analysis, they may help you ensure that you get the right person for the position.

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