The end of the month is drawing near. Are you already contemplating a cash advance to push your budget through to next month? I would bet you are not alone. I have learned over the years that pay cycles have lots to do with how budgets function at the end of the month. Let's be honest, it also has to do with spending control or lack thereof. If your pay cycles are set dates or certain weeks each month, there needs to be a budget which matches. The end of the month does not need to be so stressing.
Most lenders will have certain set billing dates each month. It makes budgeting difficult when they all come at once. If you know they are coming during a certain part of the month, there needs to be some planning and putting aside of funds in order to cover the costs. This is where things can get tricky for those who do not have control over their spending.
Some people look into their checking accounts and see money. It's like a bull seeing red as they charge off to the mall. Others may not even leave the house and open up their Internet browser to start shopping in their bathrobes. No discipline? No money at the end of the month? It's time to put a halt to the shopping and settle down into creating a budget which can fit payment schedules.
*Set up a savings account
*Set aside money from each paycheck in the first part of the month.
*Place it into the savings
*Show restraint
*Remind yourself you need it later
*Show more restraint
*Count down how many more days you have to wait
*Hold back now
*Place ONLY the needed amount into the checking in order to make a scheduled payment
*Show even more restraint
*Let the remainder stay there in order to build a real savings account
*Okay, treat yourself to something small for a job well done!
It sounds so ridiculous to see it listed; but really, it is what it is. Learn to spend within a budgeted income is a lesson that many Americans need to learn. Don't think about cash advances as a way out. Think about these short-term loans as the end of the road. No one wants to hit a dead-end. Now don't turn around and use credit cards to keep those shopping holidays fresh and exciting. Adding more debt on the other end of the spectrum does not show restraint. Using up the leftover just because it wasn't needed to pay bills does not show restraint. The whole point of making your budget is to build your financial future while keeping up with current costs all done by your monthly income.
Stop watching the ads for new technology upgrades. Don't keep upgrading your cell phone each time a new bigger and better version comes out. Keep cash advances and credit cards out of the picture unless a real emergency comes up. Hey, seeing the movie on opening night is not a real emergency!
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