- 1). Check the wire connections going in and out of the system to make sure the power cable is properly connected and getting power, and that the cables going into the TV are inserted appropriately. If your power supply is damaged, you will need to contact Sony for a new one.
- 2). Ensure that your TV is on the appropriate setting to play PS2 games. If the cables are not hooked up right or the TV isn't on the right channel or setting, troubleshooting the system will be difficult.
- 3). Try a different game if you are having problems with a particular disc. If the other games are playing fine, the troubled disc needs to be examined and cleaned. Only use original discs. If you are trying to play a burned game, it likely won't work and could damage your system.
- 4). Remove any peripherals from the PS2, such as controllers, headsets and memory cards. Have a controller handy to test out a game's playing ability once the system is up and running, but keep it unhooked until the game is playing. This is especially true if your controller or any other peripheral is not a licensed PS2 product, since those can cause side-effects.
- 5). Reposition the console. PS2 is designed to either lie flat or stand in a vertical position. If you have your console horizontal, try standing it on its end to see if that helps with any disc errors. The PS2 requires a stand to hold it in place in this position, but it should be fine during a test run. Try to keep it as close to 90 degrees vertical as possible. If the system is already standing up, lay it down (topside up) and see if that helps.
- 6). Reset your console several times by either unplugging it or turning the power switch off and on to see if that corrects any errors. If games are still not playing, you probably need to get the PS2 serviced or replaced because your lens may be damaged.