Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

The Pros and Cons of Using A Neti Pot for Nasal Irrigation

Many people suffer chronic sinus pain and allergies.
There are many causes of such conditions, like stress, infection, pollution, dry nasal passage or sometimes it's because the nasal passages are too small.
Whatever the cause, one thing's for sure - living with constant nasal problems is not easy.
There's medication that can be taken, but many doctors and alternative health practitioners advice regular nasal flushing with a neti pot.
A neti pot is a small device, like a teapot, used to flush out the nasal passages.
A solution of salt and water is mixed, and then the spout is placed against the nose, allowing the solution to gently flow into the passages and then flushed out.
Debris, allergens and other blockages are cleared, and the passages become hydrated, allowing for air to freely pass through, and relieves pain and discomfort.
Now, the thought of pushing water through your nose may not sound appealing.
Indeed, it may sound nasty to some people, but it has been proven to relieve sinus pain and many people use it on a daily basis.
If you're not sure if nasal flushing with a neti pot is right for you, read these pros and cons, to help you decide: Pros: Simulates the natural process of the body A neti pot works in the same way as our bodies do.
Our nasal passage has its own natural way of dealing with the foreign bodies that invade it.
In the case of the respiratory system, tiny hairs called cilia and mucus line our nose and nasal passages.
These act as traps, catching the dirt and dust and other particles to prevent them from entering the lungs.
This dirt is then transferred to the back of the throat and is eventually destroyed by stomach acids.
With the flushing action of the neti pot, the water solution helps to flush out the particles trapped in the cilia, when the mucus grows too thick or dry, then expels it from the passages.
Uses natural ingredients There are no chemicals or unnatural ingredients used when flushing with a neti pot.
Only filtered water and non-iodized salt touches your nasal passages.
Medicines can serve their purpose, but daily intake of medicines can be bad for other parts of your body, like your liver.
With water and salt, there are no side effects.
Soothe Irritation Sometimes passages are inflamed, which is why they cause pain and irritation.
A nasal flush can help soothe the inflamed passages, bringing relief from the pain.
Cons: May wash away the good elements When the mucus in the nasal passages become too thick or dry, then they become ineffective, which is why a nasal flush can help them rehydrated.
However, the action of running water through the nasal passages may also wash away the good elements in the mucus, such as the antibacterial and antifungal components.
Not for people with nosebleed Sinus flushing may aggravate nosebleed, so if the person experiences frequent nosebleed, then he or she should not attempt a nasal flush.
Using a neti pot can be helpful for people who suffer from allergies, sinus infections and other problems relating to the nasal passages.
Many people swear by its efficacy, and it can be a good alternative to medication.
Of course, it's not for everyone, and anyone who would want to try it should consult their doctor before going on any long-term nasal flushing therapy.

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