Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

How to Heal Baby"s Eczema Naturally

One of the primary contributing factors to baby eczema is the toxic load the baby inherits from their parents.
By the toxic load I mean how healthy the baby's parents were at a cellular level at the time of the baby's conception.
The state of our health is directly reflected by how efficiently our cells operate.
Cells constantly generate metabolic waste which is a natural by-product of cell metabolism.
If, however, the process of waste excretion is compromised, the cellular capacity will decrease which will affect the cells' overall efficiency.
It is clear why the status of the parents' cells affects the healthy predisposition of the baby since a new life begins when a sperm (male cell) fuses with an ovum (female cell).
That is why couples who are trying for a baby are advised to optimize their nutrition and lifestyle in order to conceive a healthy baby.
That leads me to statistics that often state that if one of the parents suffers from an atopic condition (such as eczema, asthma or hay fever) then the baby has got about 50% chance of developing eczema.
If both parents suffer from an atopic condition, the figure rises up to 80%.
If our cells are full of toxins then our babies 'inherit' part of this internal pollution.
If we add to this external toxins like perfumed skin care products (designed for babies of course), environmental pollution, toxic residues from vaccinations, etc.
then no wonder our baby's delicate system gets overwhelmed.
This can manifest in different ways such as eczema, asthma, behavioral and attention deficit disorders, digestive disorders, etc.
Eczema, being an allergic reaction, is mainly triggered by eating specific foods or getting in touch with external allergens that penetrate and damage the skin barrier.
If some food is not tolerated well by your baby, it will act as an internal allergen that will in turn penetrate and damage the gut lining - also called "the inner skin.
You will find that babies are more sensitive to some foods because their digestive and immune systems are still immature.
Their skin is also much more sensitive because it is quite thin.
This means that it is easier for toxins to penetrate through their skin barrier.

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