Mosquitoes might be tiny little insects but they are the carriers of some deadly diseases. That is why people dread the bite of this annoying pest. In most cases mosquito bite causes red swellings on the skin but often lead to Dengue, Encephalitis, Malaria and many others.
The mosquitoes breed on stagnant water and so their menace increases during the monsoons. It is basically the female mosquitoes that feed on blood as protein is required for the development of their eggs. These pests hunt down their victims through their body odor, smell of carbon dioxide as well as temperature.
To combat the attack of these insects many types of mosquito repellents have come up. The cream or spray based products are more in demand as they are quite effective as well as easily available at affordable prices. These repellents are either made from DEET or from natural ingredients.
The DEET is a chemical known as N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide. It is very effective in warding off the pesky insects. When applied they give off a very pungent smell by covering the odor of the body. This keeps the mosquitoes away as they cannot tolerate the odor of DEET. It is said that the action of the chemical based deterrent lasts for many hours. The higher the concentration the more its action will last. However it has been reported that the prolonged usage of DEET based deterrents can be really harmful for the people. Most people develop skin infections, mood swings and at times the nervous and cognitive system is affected. That is why doctors prescribe to use repellents with very less percentage of DEET. In fact it should not be used on children.
A good alternative to the chemical based repellents is the natural ones. The natural mosquito repellents are made from essential oils and other plant extracts. Citronella, Catnip, Lemon Eucalyptus, rosemary and many other oils are used to manufacture these repellents. Being made from plant extracts these products are much safer than the chemical based ones. They can be easily used on children as well as they cause no side effects.
The Natural Mosquito Repellents provide a pleasant smell on application which keeps the pests away without killing them. However the action of the natural deterrents lasts only few hours unlike the chemical based ones. That is why they have to be applied on a regular interval to stay protected from te mosquito attacks.
The Locals Mozzie and Sand Fly Stuff or Spray is very effective in warding off the pesky insects. It is made from essential oils and other natural ingredients that work great in repelling the mosquitoes. It is also enriched with Vitamin E to provide a soothing effect.
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