My father worked as an airplane mechanic.
Every birthday and every Christmas my mom purchased, and we all gave him, the same Levi's jeans and button up shirts as the previous years.
He luckily needed and used these items, but admittedly, they were not very fun nor unique.
I remember in elementary that my brothers, sisters and I would make the standard yellow or orange hand-formed ceramic ash-tray, or what we would call a change holder..
My father was kind enough to receive these from all of the kids and would use them as best as possible.
Now I'm a father and realize the wisdom my mother had.
It is much better to receive a simple gift that will actually be used than to get a gift that will be put on the shelf and forgotten about, ie, ugly ties, etc.
So my suggestion is to make the gift unique and something that your dad will actually use.
What does your father, or husband do? Does he work with his hands? Does he work in an office? What hobbies does your father or husband have? In addition to considering what your husband or father might want and use, it is also important for the gift giver to feel like they have given a "fun" gift and it is important for them to see dad using this gift.
I personally love to cook, so I love to receive new cooking items.
I also like receiving clothes that I commonly wear.
My suggestion again; find something unique and "use-able".
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