In fact, yeast infection pregnancy also known as Candida is quite common due to the changes of the hormone level (such as an increase in the estrogen level) in their body making them susceptible to yeast problems.
Although it is not harmful, it is still best to get rid of your yeast infection during pregnancy as it can be passed on to the baby during delivery.
This infection has also been known to cause problems during delivery in some.
It is estimated that about 1/3 of women have this fungus in their vaginas.
Like other types of infections those inflicted with yeast infections sometimes need to take antibiotics as medication.
Candida occurs because of fungus overgrowth.
Even men are not immune to this.
Signs of a candida infection in women / mom:
- itching and burning sensation on the vagina,
- painful or uncomfortable during intercourse,
- a creamy or white discharge that is sometimes curdy,
- a strong odor that comes with this discharge.
- they have either a red and bright baby diaper rash on their privates
- patches in their mouth of white stuff also known as thrush
They include:
- Avoid synthetic fabrics and instead wear cotton underwear,
- Allow your private area to breathe and kept dry by sleeping without your undergarments,
- Keep your privates dry (change if you feel your underwear is wet due to sweat)
- Try to avoid wearing any tight fitting clothes especially those of synthetic fibers such as Lycra,
- Avoid perfumed soaps and try switching to natural soaps,
- Yeast thrives in warm temperature so avoid long warm or hot bubble bath,
- Also avoid using perfumes laundry detergents
Do not take over the counter medication if you are pregnant as it may have side effects that would or could be harmful for the baby.
If you are pregnant most practitioner will recommend a 7 day treatment as shorter courses have been known to be less effective.
Be sure to finish the prescribed dosage to prevent a re-occurrence of the infection.
Most treatment comes in cream form which has to be inserted every night into the vagina before bedtime.
This is for maximum absorption when the body is in a lying position.
It is advisable to wear a pantyliner as there will be discharge and leaking of the medication.
Natural remedies are still the best treatment to get rid of your yeast infection during pregnancy.
Some of the popular natural treatment includes eating yogurt which contains live active cultures to assist your body to fight the infection off.
Applying plain yogurt (cultures included) directly into the vagina have also been said to give relief as well as heal.
Some of the yeast infection causes are quite common, for example, sugar.
As yeast thrives on sugar, it is best to cut down on your sugar intake or in your diet.