'Counting Breaths' quickly releases built up stress and calms your Mind and Body.
It works remarkably for all ages - 8 to 93 years.
Here is - How, When, and 'How long'.
How? 1.
As the breath goes in, you can feel slight coolness inside your nose.
Focusing your mind on the coolness inside the nose, as air enters is relaxing and calming.
As the breath goes out, count slowly and silently - During the First out-breath: Count 'one, one...
' so on; Second out-breath: 'two, two ...
' Third out-breath: 'three, three..
' 3.
Your mind gets continuously engaged during this practice.
First In-breath: Feeling the coolness inside the nose; First Out-breath: Counting 'one, one ...
' so on till it ends.
Second In-breath: Feeling the coolness.
Second Out-breath: Counting 'two, two ...
' so on.
Continue this practice of feeling the coolness and counting upwards.
After counting some breaths, your mind wanders, forgetting to count the breaths.
Whenever you realize this, start immediately from 'one, one ...
Repeat step 3.
When to Practice? Every night you lie in bed, tired and needing to sleep.
Many thoughts buzz in your mind, not letting you sleep.
Practice this simple and easy technique tonight.
See the result - You will sleep in a shorter time, have a better quality of sleep and feel fresher when you wake up.
If you wake up mid sleep for any reason, practice this method again, to get back to sleep with less effort.
When you wake up in the morning, but continue lying in the bed, count your breaths for a few minutes, to become fresh and energized.
You will be calmer during the busy day.
What Next? In a month or two, you will develop the habit of counting your breaths.
Then, extend this practice into the other periods of daily life.
During the active periods, you may, if you like, feel only the coolness during the in-breaths and stop counting during the out-breaths.
You can thus practice any time, doing anything! During boring commercial breaks on the TV, Cleaning, Cooking, Waiting in line, Walking, Exercising, Traveling, ...
so on.
Whenever you feel - Bored, Tired, Frustrated, Impatient, Angry, Mad, Depressed, Bothered by disturbing thoughts ...
so on.
Use this technique as needed, throughout the day, to calm yourself.
You will not accumulate stress.
You will become a naturally 'Relaxed Person'! How long to practice? Don't adopt any rules for - length of practice, counts of breath or regularity of practice.
What matters most, is the slight relaxed feeling during the momentary practice periods.
You are now like a parent, who has adopted a baby habit.
You will nurture this baby and grow it, into a self supporting adult habit.
Practice happily, whenever you remember the coolness of the in-breath and the feeling of relaxation that you felt.
In a few months, feeling and counting your breaths becomes spontaneous!.
This is the experience of people of all ages 8 to 93 years.
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