Times are changing all around us.
This world has caught another gear since the change of presidents occurred.
The economy had began a severe decline with the former president and the declined sharpened with the new president.
With the financial devastation that touched many lives recovery will take a long time.
The probability that food will be in very short supply is imminent.
With the threat of H1N1 Flu and various other newly mutated viruses mass quarantines are becoming more popular.
If a quarantine hits your town, are you prepared, or will your family suffer? Today's gardening marketplace is a smorgasbord of time saving, space saving user friendly gadgets.
Anyone can grow a garden if a few simple rules are followed.
Gardening publications and books are everywhere.
Old timers enjoy giving advise and sharing heirloom seeds.
They truly are the best resource available.
Growing indoors is all the rage now.
Hydroponic growing cabinets come in many different sizes and shapes.
Each designed to do a specific job which is grow extremely fast, high quality organic vegetables.
Indoor growing is so popular because it greatly reduces the amount of food that has to be purchased and brought home, because the person growing the food has total control over whether chemicals are used to grow or organics are used, because there is no dirt to mess up the inside of the home and because the yield is far higher and better quality food than found in the grocery stores.
Every person should learn to grow using hydroponics for safety and health reasons.
With the government changing so fast learning to grow your own food has just become imperative to each person that reads this.
Also you have a responsibility to tell others and encourage them to learn to grow their own food, enough to supply total monthly needs.
We must relearn how to can and preserve our vegetables for future use during abundance.
What you can't grow purchase in quantity.
For example, if your tomatoes don't produce for some odd reason, learn to purchase the largest cans possible and in a quantity sufficient for 1 year.
August 2009 I spent 3.
60 per can for those restaurant size ones for a friend.
She wanted 24 cans, and it was about $75.
That is all she will have to invest on tomatoes.
Do you realize the type of savings we are talking here? I bought them at the local wholesale club.
When you open that humongous can of tomatoes use what you need for that meal then store the remainder in a container and refrigerate using as needed.
This is a tremendous money saver.
Early spring of 2009 I purchased a hydroponic growing cabinet.
It took me 3 grows to learn how to use it the right way.
Each complete grow cycle takes 5 weeks! That's right kids, a new garden is possible every 5 weeks.
Can you begin to imagine the tremendous abundance of food that comes out of these cabinets? The first time I had luscious tomato plants, squash, cucumber, lettuce and spinach (I grew a salad) with small fruits on everywhere, and I changed the fertilizer and didn't get the mix quite right.
The next morning every thing was a burned, crispy brown.
A total loss.
The second time a defective fan went out and the crop failed.
Once I learned the system I have had no problems and produced almost as much in one hydroponic grow as I did in my outdoor garden which is a 100 x 200 plot.
No joke! I was more stunned than you could ever be.
I am still not over the amount of food that came out of that cabinet.
Now I am growing 1 tomato plant because I have 150 quarts canned.
I also have 1 squash plant, 3 green bean plants, 1 hot pepper, 1 banana pepper, 10 lettuce mix, 3 spinach, and 4 multi colored zinnias (flower).
The flowers are in front just for fun.
It's awesome to open the doors of the cabinet and see all of that growing in my house.
I literally can go to the cabinet and pick enough vegetables to cook a meal, and I always have fresh cut flowers on my table.
There are 5 people that I feed 3 times a day.
We homeschool.
Believe me when I tell you that I use my cabinet.
If you enjoy gardening but you don't like pulling weeds or getting bitten by bugs or the severe heat and sweating then you would absolutely love your own indoor growing cabinet.
I hope every person that reads this will get an indoor growing situation.
You just can't depend on the grocery stores much longer! Anything can happen at any time.
Remember, always expect the unexpected!
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