There are a lot of brands of such pills that come with various sort of claims.
Essentially, herbal or natural penis pills are anti impotence pills but they can also be highly effective in increasing your penis size.
How do Penis Pills work? Penis Pills and Erectile dysfunction Penis pills combine various sort of herbal and botanical extracts in a potent mix to:
- Increase blood flow to the penis- This is important since reduced blood flow is one of the prime reasons of low libido and erectile dysfunction in men
- Boost production of Testosterone- Testosterone is the hormone that controls sexual function and libido in men.
The secretion of this hormone begins dropping with age particularly after 30 and leads to low libido and erectile problems in men. - Increase secretion of nitric oxide- This is of great significance since reduced secretion of nitric oxide is one of the major causes of ED in men.
Nitric oxide helps penis muscles relax so that blood vessels can expand and blood flow to the erectile tissue can be increased.
Thus, herbal or natural pills are highly effective and one of the major reasons behind their popularity is that they do not have any side effects.
This is what gives them an edge over anti impotence pills like Viagra, Cialis etc.
, Moreover, they do not even require a prescription and are shipped to your doorstep in a discreet packaging.
Penis Pills and Penile Enlargement Such pills have a limited role to play as far as male enhancement is concerned.
By themselves, pills cannot increase the size of your penis and there cannot be two ways about it.
However, combining them with other natural male enhancement techniques such as exercises helps increase your penile size safely and naturally.
Exercises called Jelqs help expand the erectile tissue and pills provide your body with all the necessary nutrients that it needs in order to sustain this growth.
There are some complete male enhancement packages that include pills and exercise guide to ensure natural and permanent penis growth along with the ability to achieve harder and longer lasting erections.
Check out more on the Best Penis Products that have helped thousands of men overcome sexual problems and ensure an increased penis length as well.