Many people write aphrodisiacs off as old fashioned wives tales that only have a minor affect because, they say, it's a case of believing in something so strongly that it is the actual power of the belief itself that makes it work, rather than the 'something you are putting your faith in'.
But an Aphrodisiac can be so much more than that! An Aphrodisiac is a potion or pill or type of food that can be taken or used on a regular basis to heighten sexual arousement; or it can even be an act of doing something that arouses sexual desire too.
The power of the mind is something not to be dismissed lightly and it has been proven many times over that genuine, non-swerving belief really is enough in itself to actually make things come true.
So in this case, is it all down to mind over matter or is there something like an herb or ingredient contained in the aphrodisiac that does the trick? What the Doctor Says Imagine this; If you go to your doctor with a backache or headache and he prescribes a course of pills or medicine to deal with the problem you happily go on your way believing that whatever it is the doctor has given you will work - But what happens if that pill is nothing more than a 'sugar pill' containing no chemical or drug that will alleviate the illness? What if that nicely packaged pill is no more than a way of getting you to believe that you will be cured? This is what some people think happens when it comes down to using aphrodisiacs too.
They think that if you bought a packet of nicely packaged blue pills that said you were going to perform like a porno star just by taking a blue pill, all that is happening is that the idea gets planted into your subconscious mind and the power of belief takes over.
When the power of belief works in this way it is known as the placebo effect; it is a time-proven theory that works well with most people.
The Most Common Known Aphrodisiacs Apart from a visual act that sexually stimulates a person into heightened sexual performance such as watching a porno movie, looking at beautiful women in men's magazines or going to a lap dancing club, there are quite a number of widely accepted foods that are known to have the same effect.
The classic aphrodisiac that most of us have heard about, even if never tried, is oysters.
If the look, texture and taste is not enough to put a guy off then apparently the after effect can be pretty powerful! Other well known ones include chocolate, honey, figs and dates, bananas, grapes, wine and even coffee.
So, if you are one of the many who swear by aphrodisiacs and like to experiment with them, what are the most effective - natural ones such as foodstuffs and herbs or man-made varieties like a packet of blue pills? The fun is in the trying, and the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
At the end of the day, if by looking at something, eating something or even opening a packet of blue pills does the trick for you then surely that proves that whether it's just all in your head or an actual physical reaction, taking an aphrodisiac is a great idea and something not to be laughed at.
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