Business & Finance Bankruptcy

Loss of Home Value Due to Proximity to a Tower


    • When cellular service companies seek to put towers in neighborhoods, one problem arising involves needing approval from local government officials. Many neighborhoods have strict zoning requirements. Since the towers usually fall outside the venue of the zoning, the company needs special approval for any variances to the ordinances. This usually leads to a battle between local residents and the cellular service company.

    Public Input

    • Residents fearing a drop in property values usually attend planning and zoning meetings. The public meetings encourage hearing public opinions. Voicing concerns at the meetings allows for citizens to let their voices be heard, as well as gives the cellular service company the opportunity to present any facts it feels the public needs to know.

    Private Studies

    • While residents might fear a drastic reduction in property values when a tower goes up in close proximity to homes, some studies fail to provide any empirical evidence to support those beliefs. Of course, as with any study, it is always helpful to determine who commissioned the study. For example, a study commissioned by a telecommunications company looking to put in a cellular tower might very well be slanted towards casting a favorable light on the cellular service company, while a study commissioned by local neighborhood residents might well come up with a completely different conclusion.

    Government Studies

    • Some government studies have found a slight decrease in property values. One study, conducted by the Canadian government, found that while many residents feared having towers would have a drastic reduction in their home values, little evidence could be found supporting those fears. The study determined supporting evidence did not exist for property values reductions. However, the study did find two instances where a slight drop of housing values appeared to be caused by the houses being in close proximity to cellular service tower installations. The study also found the reasons for the drop in property values came about because of public fears about the dangers of cellular telephone service radiation. The authors of the study concluded that if the public had fewer fears about the radiation, property values would not be impacted as greatly.

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