- 1). Sign up for free online access through your bank account or credit union. Navigate to the organization's website and select "Create an Account." From here you need to type in your bank information, including your routing number and banking number. You may also need your Social Security number and birthday.
- 2). Select the "Services" option from your online account. This exact location for this link is going to vary depending on your financial institute.
- 3). Click on the "Virtual Credit Card" option.
- 4). Select "Generate" and a virtual credit card is created, complete with a card number, expiration date and CVC.
- 5). Write this information down so you can remember it.
- 6). Use the virtual credit card for one online payment. After you have purchased a product you need to log back onto your online account, select "Tools" and delete the virtual credit card. You can create a new credit card number every time you plan on making a purchase. This is going to cut down on the chances your identity and card information is stolen.
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