If you've found yourself in the position of so many others-working ardously to sqeeze into clothes you used to wear comfortably, drop extra pounds and striving unsuccessfully to reach the weight you once were- you've likely looked into many of the weight loss programmeson the market.
Finding the right program to help one's meet their weight loss goals can be difficult-and that is the goal of this article, to help you decide which of the following leading programs are right for you.
Nutrisystem Diet
NutriSystem Diet program includes a meal plan that allows you to choose from more than 120 prepackaged meals and desserts. With Nutristem one is still allowed to eat fruits and milk- unlike some other programs such as Medifast, which can put one out of Ketosis.
Upon joining, one receives a month's worth of food-three meals a day plus a snack.
Cons: As one might expect, the quality of the food, particularly the freshness of the packaged meals- was pointed out as being quite disappointing. Additionally customers complained of charges added to their accounts upon attempting to cancel.
Avg. Monthly cost: $299-399
Medifast Diet
This plan is comprised of meal replacement shakes and liquids, but can be very narrow in scope for those who like variety. Items such as fruits and dairy are not allowed while one is on Medifast and this can be difficult for many to stick to.
Cons: The taste. Many or all of there products are made of powder even the eggs. The products can not be tried and if you do not like them you are stuck with them. A number of consumers also expressed frustration with customer service, particularly pertaining to returning Medifast when they were uhappy with the program.
Avg. Monthly cost: $310-372
Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig offers a plan that includes complete meals. The packaged food from Jenny Craig has a complete menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Once you have achieved the targeted reduction in weight, you can migrate to homemade foods, considering their recommendations and guidelines.
Cons: Primarily issues with the food ( taste, abnormal amounts of gas) , were cited as problems with Jenny Craig; however, a number of consumers also lamented that it was nigh impossible to receive their money back from the company if they decied to no longer say with the program.
Avg. Monthly cost: $299-450
Mona Vie RVL
The newst member of the weight loss genre is Mona Vie RVL ("reveal"). The likes of Wolfgang Puck and the Boston Red Sox are just a few of the persons already familiar with Mona Vie- which until now has remained content to simply market it acai-based health beverage.
Unlike some of the other systems RVL is low in sodium while still providing generous amounts of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and even protein to help protect muscle mass. The all-natural element of this program is also enticing for many hoping to lose weight without taking in various chemicals.
With this product just now reaching consumers, the number of testers is small in comparisons to these other leaders, but the results and satisfaction of early testers have been quite postive thus far.
Cons: the small sample size of the beta testers for this product seem to be greatest reservation thus far.
Avg. Monthly cost : $ 137-250
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