Do you have a problem sharing your bed with your dogs or cats? While some people find this strangely comforting, most of us do not like to share our bed with our pets- particularly if they are large or if there's more than one of them.
I have the answer to your problems: a pet bed.
The competition for bed space can be brutal.
If you've ever tried to scooch over a 100 pound dog, you know it's almost impossible.
Especially if he's already reached that snoring, drooling state of REM sleep.
You might have better luck trying to just ask him politely to please move over.
Yeah, right! Old Brutus has claimed his spot, and there's not much you can do about it.
But what if Brutus had his own special bed? Placed in a nice spot on the floor- not on your bed.
If you get a pet bed the right size, old Brutus might be just as happy not having to share space with you, especially when you reach that snoring, drooling state of REM sleep.
Most dogs and cats feel very secure if they have their own space.
Pets who sleep in crates every night actually find it comforting, believe it or not, to have a place of their own.
This is especially true in cases of multiple pets that each have their own crates.
But I'm a huge dog lover, and I just can't get past the fact that crates are cages.
I wouldn't put my kids in a cage (well, ok, sometimes maybe I would), so why should I put sweet Brutus in one? A dog bed or cat bed, if that be the case, could be the answer you didn't even know you were looking for.
It's worth a try.
After all, what do you have to lose...
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