As we all know, your blog's database is very important, because it stores all of your blog's contents and other information.
But what would you do if your WordPress blog is suddenly hacked? Or failed to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress? How do we prevent this nightmare to happen? Easy and simple, backup your database regularly.
There is a WordPress plugin which can do this, but sometimes we need to know how to backup your WordPress database directly in your phpmyadmin.
I will show you how to do this database backup: 1.
Log in to your cpanel or webhost where you have installed your WordPress blog.
Search for phpmyadmin icon and click this icon.
You should see the lists of your database names if you have more than one.
But if you only have one database in your phpmyadmin, then select that database.
Important: be sure that you are clicking the right database.
In case you don't know which database name you used to install WordPress, you can always check wp-config.
Php file, and see what database name you used.
So i assume you clicked the "correct" database name, you will see all the tables of your WordPress blog.
In the top right of your phpmyadmin page, there is a button, labeled with "export".
Click that button.
Once you hit export button, you should be able to see export dialog box, and which tables you want to export to your computer.
Be sure you check all the tables, by selecting "select all" link.
Still in the same page, export dialog box, scroll down, you will see the list of file formats you can save your database into.
Make sure that "sql" is selected.
Then in save as file, you can choose either.
Zip file or leave it as default which is "none" option is ticked.
This will enable you to save your database in sql file extension.
The most important, click go button.
This button will bring a dialog box where you can save this file to your computer.
Choose any folder that you will remember.
That's it, very fast and easy alternative to save and backup your WordPress blog.