Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Natural Treatment For Feline Stomatitis - Look For the Cause

The natural treatment for feline stomatitis first needs to consider the cause.
The natural treatment of every condition should always start by looking for the cause and remedying that.
Only when the cause is not known, or when it is not possible to remedy it, should the search for the appropriate treatment begin.
Here, you can follow a logical sequence of steps to understand what the frequent cause of feline stomatitis is.
Stomatitis is the inflammation of the mouth, usually the gums but it can be any mucous membranes of the mouth.
Teeth and gums are naturally kept clean by biting and chewing on hard substances.
Not just any hard substances.
Those that the species evolved on.
The cat has evolved on a diet of raw meat and bones.
This means their teeth are perfectly suited to this task.
The crunching up of the small bones keep the teeth free of tartar and the gums healthy.
The modern diet choices for cats has been their undoing in terms of increased ill health, including stomatitis.
But no organ or system escapes.
People feel that if a packet of dried food makes a claim that they are good for the teeth, it must be so.
The only thing this claim is really good for is the profit of the manufacturer.
Otherwise cats wouldn't suffer with stomatitis.
This can be quite a difficult concept to grasp if you are firmly lodged in the belief that 'experts' know what they are talking about.
Really the only expert is nature.
Nature has had many millions of years perfecting the equipment a cat needs to survive for the longest possible time, in the best health possible.
By comparison, humans have only been dabbling with cat food for a few decades.
When an older cat has stomatitis, it is frequently dealt with by antibiotics.
This may give temporary relief but will never address the cause.
Moreover, the constant use of antibiotics have their own problems, which reach beyond the ill health of your cat.
By using the natural modality of health care, homeopathy, for all your cat's health requirements, you are ensuring you are doing no harm in the process.
Homeopathy is a powerful yet gentle form of natural health care.
It works by stimulating the immune system, rather than suppressing it.
An older cat with stomatitis can be completely healed with the appropriate treatment.

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