Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Will Stomach Reflux Eventually Go Away Without Treatment?

Millions of people suffer from stomach reflux.
In fact, heartburn and indigestion related maladies have created a massive industry featuring numerous products that promise to provide relief.
With so many products available and advertising that proclaim their benefits it's no wonder that most of us don't take stomach reflux all that seriously.
As long as there's a pill or potion then ultimately, we surmise, the problem will eventually clear up.
Unfortunately, that is not likely the case.
A household kitchen is a good example of the way that the body responds to these wonder medications for heartburn and stomach acid.
No matter how hard you work to keep your kitchen clean the mess keeps coming back.
And if you don't stay on top of it...
the mess grows bigger to the point of getting out of control.
It takes discipline and hard work to maintain a clean kitchen.
The same is true when dealing with stomach acid.
Stomach acid is always there and every time you eat or experience stress more is produced.
So, you must do something to control the problem.
Gradually, even over-the-counter drugs are no match for the battle raging inside you.
Back to the kitchen analogy.
The only way to stop the repetitive mess is to...
stop using the kitchen.
Now, such a radical solution is obviously not practical because..
the family has to eat.
The same is true with your body.
You must continue to eat to survive.
But unfortunately, you are going to have to do something tantamount to staying out of the kitchen.
In other words...
controlling the problem requires getting radical.
No, stomach reflux will not go away on its own.
In fact, progressively acid wears down the walls of the esophagus causing scarring and depletion of the protective lining.
The natural process of aging further complicates the problem.
Just cleaning up the kitchen isn't enough.
You must make some radical changes to your lifestyle.
At this point you may be thinking that your doctor can prescribe something that will stop the reflux.
Actually, that is a true observation, however, that medication will be required for the remainder of your life.
In other words, you will become dependent on the drug and if you try to get off of it you are in for a dreadful experience.
And even if you do shake free of the drug if you haven't made the necessary changes then reflux problem will only get worse.
So far this news may not be what you have wanted to hear.
But there is good news.
When you make the radical change that I referred to earlier then there is real hope and stomach reflux can be brought under control.
To get radical you will have to change your diet.
Greasy and fatty foods must be eliminated as well as spicy foods.
Also on the change list is the elimination of chocolate, coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol.
You also must lose weight.
And, for most of us, those changes are indeed radical...
almost like shutting down the kitchen.
Oddly enough, when my doctor prescribed a medication to control my severe stomach reflux problem he also gave me some advice.
He told me about the diet changes that needed to be made and he told me about some necessary lifestyle changes.
But, for some reason, I really didn't take what he said to heart.
I thought, as so many people do, that the purple pill would be enough.
In time, I learned the hard way that I would ultimately have to shut down the kitchen.
The bottom line is that you should take stomach reflux seriously with the understanding that it is not going to just one day disappear without help.
See your doctor and listen closely to the advice he gives you.
Healing will take more than just popping a pill.

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