If you're serious about bodybuilding, you know how important it is to eat high quality foods.
You are also drinking lots of protein shakes.
Why is whey protein one of the best protein sources for bodybuilders though? The answer lies mostly in the molecular makeup of the whey protein.
Whey protein is full of the branched-chain amino acids, or BCAAs for short.
BCAAs are a type of amino acids - the most important molecules of life.
Amino acids are responsible for a wide spectrum of life sustaining functions from protein building to chemical synthesis inside your cells.
Scientists have found 20 different types of amino acids.
Of these 20, 8 are considered essential amino acids because our body cannot create them.
These amino acids must be ingested from food.
Otherwise we die.
And guess what? Of the 8 essential amino acids, 3 of them are usually the main ingredients in whey protein.
These 3 amino acids - Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine - are known as branched-chain amino acids.
Scientifically, this means those 3 molecules have a special chemical structure.
In day to day life, it means whey protein gets you ripped.
BCAAs are the raw component of over 1/3 of all the skeletal muscles in your body.
For every pound of muscle tissue you grow, one third is made up of those 3 simple molecules.
Over and over, isoleucine, leucine, and valine are there.
Most people do not need to worry about their BCAA intake.
Most people do not also squat 200 pounds or worry about their back muscles like we do.
As long as you continue to consume high quality protein like whey protein, you'll do fine.